Recruiting Differently To Innovate
Who would have thought that a company specializing in web solutions could someday recruit a team that could innovate and think sufficiently outside the box to create a car? Google did it with its Self-driving Car Project. This example illustrates the fact that more and more companies feel the need to innovate to remain competitive. In a context where globalization means that competition continues well beyond our borders, companies often have no choice but to reinvent themselves in order to survive.
When recruiting the best talent is no longer enough
Large companies often have the best talent: those who have ideas, expertise and skills to innovate. However, these people may be managers who are often overburdened, which gives them very little time for new projects. Although meetings to stimulate innovation take place, ensuing projects often fall into oblivion for a lack of resources as well as lack of time and commitment. This is why some companies decide instead to recruit teams whose sole purpose is to innovate. However, before embarking down this path it is necessary to establish:
- What is the best project to develop?
- What expertise needs to be recruited?
- Who will be in charge of this new (R & D) team?